All Things SPORTS

All Things Sports has always been around; from the time we could run, push, pull, jump, climb. Some people are more athletic than others. I will always be in the cheering section as I was always the last picked and the first out. And, that is okay. I like to watch football, Daytona 500 and hockey. We encourage those around us to get involved and cheer them on with our support. Attending sports events always increases your adrenilin. We have sites listed below to help you dress for the event, to track your health and crypto earned, as well as access to Sporting Events you never thougt you would be able to afford to attend. Take a look! We double dog dare you!

Community Membership for Sports: We have a”Community Membership”giving you so much more than any other group, membership or site. We are part of this incredible program and have made it a part of our Community Members Benefit. With this membership we are able to gain awesome access to so much in the World of Sports: from events to equipment. Get your Members Only Access to all things Sports Here:

Get Crypto Currency as your Heartbeat Mines with your Activity and Health: We have something that is the newest in the internet: Web 3.0 Technology. You earn cryptocurrency as you wear this new technology. Now you will be Protected and Earn Crypto. And, you will be safer for it. This device is your doorway to health, safety and earnings! See the details and get started with this Incredible Program Here:


Women’s Sport Apparel that is worth wearing is here: This site shows you some of the best looking sports apparel for women. We know longer have to look so unkempt with super baggy clothes made for men. We can now have clothes the follow the lines of our bodies and not only help us cheer on our favorite team, look good at the same time. These styles were created by a woman who filled a need all sports loving woman have wanted to see and wear. This is some of the best made clothes and styles we have ever seen. The fit is great, as is the quality. See some incredible Womens Sport Apparel Here:

When you check back, and we are sure you will, you will find us adding cool and new things. There are always some awesome and new products, and of course, sports related fun always waiting for the adventurous. We love sharing all this with you. And, due to your access, you get to view and take part in them before anyone else does.